منتديات جعلان > جعلان للتربية والتعليم والموسوعات > جعلان ENGLISH | ||
To be or Not to be..~ |
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To be or Not to be..~
To be or Not to be (Advice for better life) * * * To make everybody happy around you, No need to act like a fool, One real smile from the bottom of your heart, Can make their day To be loved by everybody around you, No need to force them to love you, Just remove the rancor from your life & treat everybody equally, And you’ll be surrounded & loved by others To be acceptable by others, No need to lie or pretend, Be straightforward & go directly to the point, And you’ll be more appreciated & pleasant To eliminate your fears, No need to be scared of loneliness, Be brave & strong, and face your fears, And remember that you’re not alone And Allah is always with you To be peaceful & satisfy people, Don’t look at their bad & never deride them, Try to find out their good & always encourage them, And you’ll see how great & talented they can be To live better life,Try to convince yourself that this world is evanescent, And nothing deserves in this world, And someday everything will be over, So, be happy, have fun & live your moments posted.. hope u like it..~
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة ظبي الرواشد ; 03-20-2011 الساعة 08:46 PM.
خَ'ـفـآيآ آلـ ـرُّـوـح |
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البحث عن كل مشاركات خَ'ـفـآيآ آلـ ـرُّـوـح |
جعلاني متميز
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To make everybody happy around you,
No need to act like a fool, One real smile from the bottom of your heart, Can make their day very nice thank u alot
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