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?..:)...What made you SMILE today..}} |
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?..:)...What made you SMILE today..}}
Hello there
Most of us probably faces a lot of issues each day But; that doesn't mean that good things can't be happened At least something makes us smile .. So.. Tell us about you .. What made you smile today.. waiting for your contribution .. >>> Idea Is Quoted
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة ظبي الرواشد ; 08-06-2011 الساعة 07:43 AM.
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this morning i talked to my a little Nephew on phone that made me smile today ..}}*
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة ظبي الرواشد ; 10-04-2010 الساعة 01:05 PM.
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Thank you for the wonderful subject of this creativity
The thing that mades me smile, a message from my friend
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