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[القوانين والتعليمات][English Forums Rules & Regulations]
SoMe SiMple RuLeS We HoPe ThaT YoU FoLLoW
بعض القوانين البسيطة ونرجوا التقيد بها ******************************** Please do not use foul language. Any word that the forum moderators consider foul will be deleted immediately, and a P.M will be sent to the member يرجى عدم استخدام اللغة البذيئة وأي كلمة قد يعتبرها مشرفي القسم بذيئة ستحذف فورا وسترسل رسالة خاصة للعضو للتنبيه. ******************************** No Pornographic Materials. Any pornographic oriented imagery or links to such c0ntent will not be tolerated يمنع منعا باتا وضع الصور الخلاعية او وصلات لمواقع منافية للأخلاق. ******************************** Please DO NOT post duplicate topics, they are not allowed. Any duplicate topics we found, will be deleted Immediately يمنع نشر المواضيع المكررة وأي موضوع مكرر سيحذف فورا. ******************************** Any kind of advertisement is strictly prohibited أي نوع من أنواع الدعاية يعتبر مخالفة لقوانين المنتدى ******************************** Enjoy yourself. The forum is intended to practice our English, as well as various other things. Do your best to lead by example in creating a civil environment of mutual understanding and learning. You can have a great time posting and we look forward to your feedback. best regards The white Falcon
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